Randy Haykin

Randy Haykin - GOLD Coach

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Randy is a well-known Silicon Valley entrepreneur, investor, and coach. Randy left a successful career as a serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist in 2013, when he created the Gratitude Network. Prior to that, he held early digital media leadership roles at Apple, was the founding Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Yahoo, and has worked closely with CEOs at more than 120 early- and mid-stage companies as an investor, advisor, mentor or coach. Randy has also taught courses at UC Berkeley Haas School of Business and at the University of Cambridge. In addition to running Gratitude Network today, Randy coaches several prominent for-profit CEOs. He holds a BA in Organizational Management from Brown University and an MBA from Harvard.

Randy has been coaching CEOs for the past 30 years as a venture capitalist, leader of several Vistage CEO groups, and as a Gratitude team member.

Location: Bay Area

Years Coaching: 30+

Functional Background: Marketing/Sales