Katsuko Sugimaya

Katsuko Sugimaya - GOLD Coach

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Location: Massachusetts

Years Coaching: 15+

Functional Background: Product/Engineering/R&D, HR/People, Marketing

Katsuko Sugiyama is an independent Leadership Coach, Intercultural Business Consultant and Bilingual (J/E) Facilitator specialized in global leadership and cultural competences development for the executives, next-generation leaders, associates, and the team members to maximize their effectiveness as global leaders.  

Katsuko brings over 25 years of experience in international business in Japan and the U.S.  She has worked as an internal business partner, external consultant and coach in the areas of product development, operations, and project management in a wide range of industries including: Biotech/Pharma, Financial Services, Information Technology, Management Consulting, and Education.

Katsuko holds a Master of Arts in Intercultural Relations from Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts with a specialization in training and consulting, and her Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies from Kobe College (Kobe Jogakuin), Japan.  

Born and raised in Osaka, Japan, Katsuko has been living in Boston Massachusetts since 1992. 

Career Background 

·       Executive Coach – Simmons University; Personal Leadership Seminars, 3D Leadership Group; MCML Consulting, Gratitude Network, etc.

·       Facilitator/Consultant – NeuroLeadership Institute, Center for Creative Leadership, LIW, Dwellworks, Learnlight, Cultural Awareness International, Action for Results, Inc., etc.

·       Relationship Manager – Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

·       Product Manager – AdvisorTech Corporation

Industry Experience 

·       Professional Coaching Certificate Programs - New Ventures West, WBECS/Accelerating Coach Excellence

·       Recognized Personal Leadership Senior Facilitator - Personal Leadership Community 

·       Certificate in Positive Psychology - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

·       Qualified Administrator of Intercultural Development Inventory - IDI LLC

·       Certified Consecutive Conference Interpreter (English/Japanese) - Simul Academy

Areas of Focus and Facilitation Expertise 

·       Global leadership development – i.e., navigating through changes; from managing to leading, etc.

·       Cultural competence development – i.e., global presence, adapting/integrating differences, etc. 

·       Global communication effectiveness

·       Bilingual (English/Japanese) business communication

·       Mindfulness, individual/team well-being, and personal resilience

Languages (native level)

·       Japanese and English