Brittany Szigeti

Brittany Szigeti - GOLD Coach

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Brittany spent 15+ years leading teams at high-profile tech companies spanning start-ups to well-established corporations. In 2022 she shifted her career focus to follow her passion in two ways: she embarked on an opportunity to pursue her International Coaching Federation (ICF) accreditation and she began leading a start-up SaaS business with family members.

She has seen first-hand the power of coaching, particularly with emerging leaders and those facing personal and professional transitions. Brittany has led and coached team members, sales leaders, executives and fellow coaches. She is passionate about shining light on other’s strengths and partnering with them to create a meaningful professional journey.

She lives in Denver, CO and enjoys tennis, hiking, and spending time with her husband and two small children.

Location: Denver, CO

Years Coaching: 5+

Functional Background: Sales Operations, Customer Satisfaction.