Amy Moore

Amy Moore - GOLD Coach

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Location: South Africa

Years Coaching: 10+

Functional Background: HR/People, Marketing


Amy is an experienced international coach and teaching case writer who has worked in the UK, the US and in South Africa.  Her time is spent coaching individuals and teams in South Africa and virtually across the world. Since 2017, an increased focus has been on executive coaching, coaching supervision and writing teaching case studies.

Amy started off her career as a researcher for a UK Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, and then worked as a lobbyist.  When she moved back to the United States she worked for Stanford University’s Institute for International Relations as a Programme Associate, developing new undergraduate curricula and fundraising for new programmes.  In 1996 she was hired to be Bain & Company’s Human Resource Manager in Johannesburg, responsible for the full remit of employee policies and development, a position she held for six years.

Amy is passionate about learning and aims to keep abreast of learning trends and development through her work as a Professional Associate of the Gordon Institute for Business Science, the business school associated with the University of Pretoria where she has lectured, coached and assessed students across the MBA and Corporate Education Programmes for the last 15 years in South Africa.  She also serves as a mentor to MBA groups, working with the groups over the course of their two year journey to help ensure a successful learning experience.  Her areas of speciality include integration, leadership, team and group functioning, thinking and decision-making preferences, coaching and communication and writing teaching case studies which are published in Ivey Publishing (Canada) and Emerald Publishing (UK).  She is also a supervisor to MBA students writing teaching case studies.

Outside of GIBS, Amy also is on the coaching panel of a variety of leading insurance and banking organisations.  She is an Associate of Emerging World, a UK organisation that delivers immersive experiences - through travel and virtual connection - for global organisations aimed at shifting perspectives to help shape a better future.  Since 2017, she volunteers as a coach to The Gratitude Network, an organisation focused on accelerating the growth of high impact and not-for-profit social entrepreneurs.